by Pradeep Kumar (Nainital, Uttarakhand, INDIA)
Dear Sir,
I am a herbal medicine graduate (B.A.M.S-Bachelor of
Ayurvedic (ancient Indian medicine system) Medicine and Surgery) from Uttaranchal Ayurvedic Medical College, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, INDIA.
It’s a course of 5 1/2 years and 1-year Rotary Internship from Doon Government Hospital and Ayurvedic hospitals in medicine, surgery, E.N.T, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Gynecology & Obstetrics, pentad therapy, panchakarma therapy and uses and abuses of herbal medicines as well as light treatment and many other natural therapies that don’t have side effects but are effective in all types of chronic diseases.
I want to know if there are any opportunities for herbal medicine careers/naturopathic careers outside INDIA, especially in New Zealand or Australia.
Herbal Medicine Career Opportunity- Simon’s Response
Hi Pradeep
Opportunities for herbal medicine careers, homeopathy, and other alternative health treatments have been on the increase globally in recent times due to people increasingly seeking these types of treatments.
(See article)
Although this increase has been steady overall, we could probably not describe it as spectacular. For example in New Zealand, one of the countries you were interested in, there has been an approximate 15% increase in the last five years of people working in the natural health remedies/homeopathic sectors.
I never encourage people to get too focused on job market statistics. Whether they be good or bad, they refer to averages and means, most of which become significantly less important when compared to the other key factors that determine the success of an individual securing and keeping a particular job. Things like how passionate the person is for that type of work (which comes across in things like job interviews), how much they are prepared to network and access the underground job market, how committed and persistent they are to make it work once they secure a position, and in the case of being self-employed how entrepreneurial and creative they are in their approaches to gaining clients, and most importantly what sort of reputation they begin to establish in regard to their competence and popularity in their field.
There are opportunities and they have been increasing, however, it should be noted that many health professionals working in this area are self-employed. I’m not sure if this is an option for you or not?
I’m not sure if there are any legal barriers to you commencing work in the homeopathy/herbal medicine careers in countries like Australia or New Zealand.
Here are some useful links that you may like to have a look at to help answer that question: www.homeopathy.co.nz and www.homeopathyoz.org
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