The minute you begin to do what you really want to do, it’s really a different kind of life
Buckminster Fuller
If you are one of the 65-80% of workers who are in a job that you don’t like (and are not suited to), I have good news for you.
The Dream Career Finder is a well-tested career assessment tool to assist you in making the optimal career choice.
It can provide:
- an increased sense of personal fulfilment at work?
- a feeling of contributing something meaningful to the world?
- greater respect from work colleagues
- better pay
- increased happiness at work …and at home

The Dream Career Finder Will Reveal Your ‘Talent DNA‘
Hi, I’m Simon Davies; I’m a qualified Career Counselor from Australia with over 15 years experience in the sector.
The Dream Career Finder (DCF) is a remarkable assessment instrument that will reveal startling insights about the core DNA of your career talents…talents that you may not be aware of.
Perhaps for the first time in your life, you will be able to go to work in a job that affords true meaning and purpose and rewards you with more money.
The DCF provides critical feedback about your natural inborn abilities and the world of work in which you should use them. It probes selected achievements in your life to uncover your common theme of unique work aptitudes and motivations.
You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending
CS Lewis
The Key to Job Satisfaction: Find Out What You Are Good At
Only after you know what you are innately good at, can you begin to make career choices that use those talents.
If you don’t know what your innate talents are, your choices will be frustratingly off the mark.
Many people go through their entire life without a clear understanding of what their primary aptitudes are.
And they pay the price with a disillusioned work-life, year in year out.
Know thyself – the words of the great philosopher Socrates are as true today as they were 2500 years ago.
Finding out what you are genuinely good at will likely be the most valuable career-related knowledge you will get.
And that’s exactly what the DCF will do for you.
The results provide you with insight into the core aptitudes that bring true meaning and fulfilment to your work life, enabling you to make very reliable career choices.
Feel More Appreciated
You will become appreciated more by your boss and fellow workers as a more competent and capable employee.
Why? Because you will be working in an occupation that is in sync with your innate aptitudes and therefore you will contribute more to the organization.
The most productive and proficient workers are usually those who are doing what they love to do, in roles that utilize their strongest talents.
Even others within your industry may begin to respect the work you do and acknowledge your expertise now that you are doing what you love.
This sense of being valued by others, research shows, will make you a happier, more fulfilled person(1).
After completing the Dream Career Finder, I bit the bullet and have decided to go to Uni and study Acupuncture… the DCF really helped to open my eyes.
Rob Button
Queensland, AustraliaWhat I found most helpful was the discussion about my motivated abilities and how these had kept repeating themselves in previous jobs.
I found this discussion/process of impartial career evaluation quite useful and would recommend Simon to anyone looking for careers help.
New ZealandI found the tasks involved in uncovering my personal strengths and interests most helpful, however, it did require some work. As a result, I have now made very rapid progress working through the hidden job market…
Steve Ayers
Not Just Happier At Work…..At Home Too
Less stress in the home equals enhanced relationships and a more enjoyable life.
If you are working in a job that you enjoy and are good at, you will be more content and fulfilled.
That happiness and satisfaction will filter through to other relationships and your home life.
And if you are a mum or dad this translates into better relationships with your partner and children and the satisfaction of being a more stress-free parent.
Passion And Energy Up, Frustration And Depression Down
Being stuck in a dead-end job can be utterly frustrating and depressing.
But when your work brings immense personal fulfilment, it’s as if you’ve been reborn.
Frustration and disillusionment vanish.
Your passion and energy levels soar as your innate abilities now become completely aligned with your day-to-day work activities.
This results in a more vibrant and enthusiastic you.
Your self-esteem will also increase when you realize that you really are very good at some things in life.
I still vividly remember when I first completed this assessment; it was an inspiring and enormously encouraging experience.
My spirit was rekindled as I discovered my motivational thrust in life – the things that really drove me and for which I wanted to make my life count.
Each of you should use whatever gift (gracious divine endowment) you have received to serve others
Peter, the Apostle.
The Most Important Benefit You Will Get
- There is one benefit you will get from the DCF that surpasses the rest.
The reward of helping others.
And research confirms that a life focused on helping others is critical to our well being2. - All work is ultimately about the betterment of other people’s lives.
- And the greatest benefit of working in a job that you are very good at, is that you help people in a much more valuable way than if you were working in just any job.
The real benefit to you, others and society as a whole is when you are working in a role you are best at. And this is what the DCF is all about, finding out what you are best at and enjoy doing the most.
How Can I Be Sure I Really Have These Talents?
Our inborn aptitudes will repeatedly show up during our life whether we are aware of them or not.
Evidence within the career counseling field confirms that our innate abilities are so ingrained in us as individuals, they continue to express themselves in our daily endeavors.
The DCF will assure you that these abilities absolutely belong to you and more importantly that you are innately driven to use them.
When you see these reoccurring aptitudes show up in various exploits throughout your lifetime, it’s a confirmation that these really are part of the fabric of your being.
You become totally revitalized in your work life and receive a potentially life-changing new vision for what it is you need to achieve in life.
Proven Method
This Dream Career Finder’s approach has proven to be extremely useful to workers around the world.
Similar systems are used by Fortune 500 and non-profit organizations to help find the best fitting employers for their organization.
No other career assessment instrument that I know of, offers more valuable information about your essential work motivations.

You Will Likely Earn More Money
You will inevitably earn more money if you in a job where you are using your natural inborn abilities.
It makes sense – if you are working in a job you love and are good at, you will be worth more to an organization than working in a job you are not great at nor enjoy.
Those who are paid the most in any given industry are those who are the best at their work.
The amount of money an average lawyer makes might only be half as much as the highest-earning lawyer in his town.
So what is the difference between the two of them.
In the majority of cases it’s simply a matter of one being better at it than the other.
And they’re better at it, in most cases simply because of natural ability.
It is quite likely that the lower earning one is in the wrong job.
If you want to earn more money, get into a job that uses your innate abilities.
Not only will you love the work, you’ll earn more. And more money gives you options.
Trading Your Money for Time…it’s an Option
You are now in a position to trade some of the money for time with your family or to pursue other interests…if you choose to.
More money means you could choose to work less for the same amount of money.
You may like to reduce your working hours to do more things with the kids or pursue another interest.
Or perhaps a greater income may mean moving into a bigger house in a nicer area.
Or providing some things for your kids that you currently can’t afford like extra after school lessons in that subject they’ve been struggling in or whatever else is on your list of “if I had some extra cash…”
If you can provide some of these things, that will make you feel like a better provider, that sense of happiness that comes from being able to give.
You Will Likely Get A Job Faster
People who engage in a career aptitudes evaluation like the DCF, find work faster…. considerably faster.
It takes on average about 12 weeks for a person to find a job from the time they actively begin looking.
With traditional job search methods, many job seekers begin with insufficient knowledge about what their chief aptitudes are.
This puts them in a very poor standing when it comes to presenting their most valuable skills to an employer through their resume and job interview.
Consequently, their job search takes longer.
But if you know what you are best at and can articulate that to an employer, you dramatically increase the speed at which you will find a job; saving you time and getting that new paycheck faster.
The DCF Will Save You A Lot Of Time
Although you will need to spend some time completing the DCF and sending off the results to me, this whole exercise is really about saving you time perhaps half a lifetime or more. I know. Life is busy…very busy.
But that’s part of the problem…busy at the stuff we probably shouldn’t be doing.
The time you spend completing the DCF is time very well spent.
It’s an incredibly small investment of your time compared to spending years in a job you don’t like.
It’s an incredibly small investment of your time compared to what you spend looking for jobs on the Internet, in newspapers and applying for jobs (even jobs you know you won’t enjoy).
It’s an incredibly small investment of your time compared to writing out resumes, going for job interviews and then starting the whole process over when after six months you discover…this isn’t it…argh!
Don’t Play It Safe When It Comes To Your Individual Talents
Will you go to the grave with regrets about what you could have done with your life?
By completing the DCF and discovering your genuine talents, you reduce the chance of having regrets.
Have you heard about the parable of the man who goes away on an overseas trip and puts three different workers in charge of various assets?
Two of them decided to put the assets to work, investing it, gaining a return and generally being proactive with the resource entrusted to them.
The third, however, did nothing.
He buried it in the ground and left it there until his boss returned.
Here’s what his boss had to say to him when he got back:
That’s a terrible way to live.
It’s criminal to live so cautiously like that.
Get rid of this “play-it-safe”, who won’t go out on a limb (3).
So what’s that got to do with finding a fulfilling career you may ask?
It’s about making sure you maximize the use of the abilities you have been given.
You don’t want to go to the grave with regrets about what you could have done, and should have done with your abilities.
Can’t I Just Complete A Quick Online Career Quiz Instead?
Yes you can.
But we all know that you get out whatever you put in.
One of the problems with many career tests is they have no, or limited, validity.
Most of them have lengthy disclaimers about how the results may not be accurate.
And the reason for the disclaimers is not only that they lack validity but they contradict good career counselling practice by minimizing the principle of ‘helping a client help themselves’.
Career test results shift the power from the client to the test results “here are the results; therefore this is what you should do”.
It boxes people into the idea that people are not really unique but are ‘grouped’ into predetermined types.
The DCF is not a Quiz or Test
It does not provide you with a limited list of jobs you could do.
It is an achievement-based self-assessment that digs deep into your past exploits to uncover your core motivated abilities.
It gets the very essence of who you are and where your natural bents lie.
And by doing this it provides the foundation for the very best career choice approach and ultimately rewarding life.
Easy-To-Follow Step-by-Step Instructions
The DCF is laid out in an easy to follow step by step format and included are examples of what you need to do, making it very straightforward to complete.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about its completion.
Get Started Right Away
As soon as payment is completed you get direct access to the DCF assessment, so you can get started straight away.
You will be immediately on your way to a meaningful and prosperous career, and the feeling of being able to contribute in a more meaningful way to an organization and the world.
It won’t be long before you can leave the frustration of your current job knowing that a more fulfilling career is just around the corner.
It’s a very meager investment for a potentially large return.
Unlimited Month Money Back Guarantee – No Questions Asked
Now I don’t have many people who want their money back, but I just want you to know, that it’s not a problem.
Quite frankly, if you’re not happy, I’m not happy.
I provide an unlimited money-back guarantee on the DCF.
If for any reason you are not happy, and that even includes that you simply couldn’t be bothered starting it (that would be regrettable), you can receive a full refund, no questions asked.
You don’t need to fill out a form.
You don’t need to provide any reason whatsoever why you want a refund.
Just send the details through my contact page and you will receive a full refund within 2 working days.

All payments for the DCF go through the
Secure PayPal gateway including credit card payments. PayPal has the
highest level of secure payment gateways available using a Secure
Sockets Layer Protocol (SSL) with a 128 bit encryption. So your credit
card details are safe.
1. www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/06/why-money-cant-buy-happiness-feeling-respected-matters-more/259032/
2. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/do-the-right-thing/201207/helping-others-offers-surprising-benefits-0
3.Bible MSG, Mathew 25:26