Due to the extreme demand for the free career help service, I am currently unable to respond to posts on this page…my apologies.
However you may get someone else to repond by posting here
Free Career Help
You can use the e-mail contact form below to get free career help from a qualified career guidance counselor.
This is a career change advice and job search service provided to anyone seeking free career guidance or help with their job search including accessing the hidden job market and job interview tips.
This service doesn’t totally remove the need for one-on-one career guidance, but it can be a great first step to the process for anyone wanting to get some free career help relating to a career change, or just bounce ideas about new careers they may be considering or questions around their personal job search.
Why Do I Do Offer Free Career Help?
I get an immense amount of fulfillment out of helping people reach their full potential in their careers.
I enjoy seeing other people uncover their natural gifts and abilities and see them released into a career that they are naturally motivated to do.
To see them put those inborn talents to work so that they can taste the thrill of a fulfilling and satisfying career.
Most of my clients are people already in work who have become dissatisfied or frustrated in their current position and are seeking career change advice.
However, anybody who is in need of help in any area of career advice or job search assistance can use the form below.
Submit your career query in the box below.
I usually respond within one working day
Generally, I limit my free career counseling by email to two e-mail responses per person.