Are you interested in finding jobs on the Gold Coast that fit well with the job skills you are naturally good at?
This information will help you get work on the Gold Coast faster, and more importantly in a job that you will enjoy a great deal more than if you simply follow the traditional job search methods.
As a Gold Coast provider of career change advice and job search information, I can tell you that finding jobs on the Gold Coast often takes longer than people expect.
On average globally, a person will take more than 12 weeks to find a job from the time they first start looking.
And in an area like the Gold Coast, job search success can often take longer.
So how do you increase your odds of finding the best jobs on the Gold Coast?
Most people looking for work on the Gold Coast use what I call the reactive method, rather than the proactive method of job search.
What Is Reactive Job Search?
Simply when job hunters complete their job search by mostly responding to job vacancies that are known or advertised in some way.
Yet we know that approximately 80% of all jobs gained, will be through what is known as the “hidden job market”.
The hidden job market is simply all the jobs that people successfully secure that are never advertised or marketed through conventional methods i.e. job agencies, Internet job search engines, local situations vacant columns, etc.
In fact, almost nobody knows about them.
And if you are a job seeker wanting one of the better jobs on the Gold Coast [i.e.] a job that fits you better in regards to your inborn abilities and motivations, then you must tap into the hidden job market.
What Are You Good At?
The first thing that will help you gain a job faster and in line with your natural inborn abilities is to have a solid and confident understanding of where your career strengths lie.
When it comes to a job interview one of the most powerful draw cards that an applicant has, is to portray natural confidence and enthusiasm about the things they are good at.
Although most people have some idea what they are good at, most have not fleshed out precisely where they fit best and in what way their strengths can help an employer.
And that’s ultimately how you will find great jobs on the Gold Coast. Selling an employer the idea that what you love to do and are good at, is exactly the skills they need.
This is where the inborn job skills assessment comes in.
This assessment provides evidence of where your true inborn job skills lie. And evidence is what employers love to see.
Evidence that you can take with you to the job interview.
Often a person completing the inborn job skills assessment will discover that they have never really used their natural inborn job skills in a work situation before.
For many people, the results of this assessment can be life-transforming in regards to their work life.
Checklist for Finding the Best Jobs on the Gold Coast Australia
If you are looking for a job on the Gold Coast and want to:
- find a job that suits you well, one that you can feel a great deal of fulfillment and satisfaction in.
- find a Gold Coast job faster than normal.
- find a job that you will stay longer in because you enjoy it more.
- find a job on the Gold Coast that will usually pay more than jobs found using traditional job search methods. This is due to securing a good fit between the skills and abilities you offer and the skills and abilities required by the employer.
This is what I recommend:
- Complete the inborn job skills assessment on this site.
- Either use the results of that assessment to target your “best fit” jobs on the Gold Coast on your own by approaching employers directly who have needs for those skills identified.
- Or make a time to come and see me discuss the results and together we will plan a strategy for securing your job on the Gold Coast, utilizing the hidden job market strategies.
- Or you can work through the inborn job skills assessment verbally with me. This is the easiest and fastest method if you are in a hurry.
Phone +61 481 333 415 or use the contact page.