People who come to me for career help either:
- grossly underestimate their abilities or
- they say “I don’t have any significant abilities compared to other people”

Which Is the Best Job for You?
Is there such a thing as the best job? Can a doctor say to a garbage collector; “I have a better job than you”. Can the arborist say to the IT professional “I have a better job than you”?
Having the best job has little to do with the type of job a person does but rather, are they naturally suited to that job. Do they have innate abilities in that area?
In fact, a rubbish collector could very well say to the doctor “I have a better job than you” and he could be right if the doctor was not naturally suited for that job.
God Don’t Make No Flops

The world’s best selling book states God has shaped each individual person and that he knit us together while we were in our mother’s womb.
Do you believe this? That you have been created as a unique individual?
You may be familiar with the Academy Award-winning movie Chariots of Fire where Olympic athlete Eric Liddell said;
I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast, and when I run, I feel God’s pleasure……to give up running would be to hold God in contempt.
Eric Liddell
So the question ‘What job should I do?’ is closely linked to another question, “Do I know what I’m naturally good at?’ As Socrates dictum declares, it all starts with knowing ourselves well.

Do You Want Just a Job – or Something Really Significant
There is a desire in the heart of every human being to expend their life on some significant purpose.
A life where you can make a difference in the world.
A life that when it is finished, you can say:
“I’m glad I dedicated my life to doing that”
There is a clear connection between being in a role that uses your natural abilities and gaining a sense of significance.
Central to an effective career change is getting to know the truth about who you really are in regard to your god-given abilities.
Without that knowledge, any career decision you make is starting from a risky foundation.
Can You Really Be Anything You Want?
An important part of finding out who we are in the world of work is to also find out who we are not.
The truth is, we can’t be anything we want. Or more precisely, we can’t be anything we want and be happy.
Many people pursue careers motivated by many things other than wanting to use their unique abilities. And they don’t get much satisfaction from it.
10 Reasons Why We Choose the Wrong Careers
- My parents felt this would be a good job for me
- This career is where the money is
- This career is where the future is technologically
- It will make me feel important and give me status
- Someone offered me a job in this field, so I took it
- This job gives me cheap travel or other perks
- My best friend was doing it and said I should too
- It was a government job, so it was secure
- It started off as an after school job or temporary position and I gravitated to full time without really thinking about it
- I had to study something at university (pressure from parents/friends), and I didn’t know what else to do
Deep in our hearts, we all want to find and fulfill a purpose bigger than ourselves.
Dr. Os Guinness
Only such a larger purpose can inspire us to heights we know we could never reach on our own.
For each of us the real purpose is personal and passionate: to know what we are here to do, and why.
Only a purpose originating from the depths of your heart and rooted in your innate passions can motivate you to heights you could otherwise never reach. That’s why once your inborn job skills are identified you can begin to pursue a genuinely fulfilling career.
It can make you feel like a new person.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes you have an abundance of energy while engaged in projects?
“And what is a man without energy? Nothing – nothing at all.”
Mark Twain
That’s because the heart of who you are is greatly awakened when it discovers a good match between the abilities you were born with and the task at hand.
Where Do I Start
These inborn job skills are the skills that you are naturally wired or
motivated to use.
It’s what makes you tick. When you are
using these skills, you are doing something you must do and often lose all sense of time while doing it.
You can find out what your inborn job skills are by completing the Dream Career Finder
I want to encourage you to eagerly seek out your heart’s deepest passions. Or perhaps rediscover passions that you once had but have somehow got lost along the way.
This will give you the confidence to consider new possibilities for yourself.
What might you be good at if all the doors were flung open wide to allow you to discover your natural abilities?
What You Will Find On This Web Site
- Career change advice on how to discover what your inborn job skills are and how to match them to types of careers that you are naturally good at.
- Find out more about the very successful, yet grossly underutilized job search methods. Methods that will make your job search more likely to land that dream job.
- Improve your job interview success, with my top ten job interview tips, including how to handle those sometimes difficult job interview questions.
- Learn the six secrets about successful career change resume writing.
- Show you why you probably shouldn’t bother taking most career tests.
- Take a look at whether or not you might be suited to self-employment or a “work at home career”.
Most Workers Aren’t Happy In Their Job
According to research, up to 80% of the current workforce is dissatisfied in their career? Too many of us appear to be in the wrong job.
And a good number of us fell into our first job at an early age after our job selection was based on a lack of good information about ourselves.
We then went on to base our future career choices on the experience we gained from that first questionable career choice.
And so we began to accumulate a lifetime of work based on what was a wrong choice in the beginning.
Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a person does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind.
The result is that we have become frustrated, miserable and unsure about how to take the first step in search of a satisfying job.
If this sounds like you, you are not alone. It’s an extremely common scenario in today’s workforce.
The good news is that a fulfilling career is not only possible, but your God-given right, and indeed your responsibility to pursue.