Here is a list of some of the more challenging job interview questions you are likely to face.
Depending on where you live, some of the questions near the bottom of the page may not be politically correct or may, in fact, be in breach of local privacy and employment laws, however, that doesn’t mean they won’t be asked.
Have a think about how you would respond if some of these more difficult job interview questions were asked.
For further job interview advice, please see my job interview tips page.
Job Interview Questions Relating to You And The Employer
- How do you think you can benefit this organization.
- Why do you want to work in this industry?
- Why do you want to work for us?
- Why should I hire you rather than someone else?
- What are your salary expectations?
For answers to these job interview questions, please see my job interview answers page.
Interview Questions Relating to Your Past
- Tell me about your previous experience and training in this industry.
- Why aren’t you happy in your current position?
- Is your current employee aware that you are looking for a new job?
- What makes you think you will be happy if you go through a career change?
- What would you say your greatest strengths and weaknesses are?
- Of the bosses, you have had in the past, which one did you like working for the least? Why?
Job Interview Questions Relating to Past Employment
- Can you please provide me with names and contact details of your last three employers?
- It is our company policy to have discussions with your last three employers in the form of reference checks. Are you happy with this and are you willing to sign an agreement for us to go ahead and do this?
- What would your previous employer say about the way you get along with work colleagues?
- What would your previous employer say about the way you accept instructions and directives?
- What would your previous employer say about the way you plan your work and meet deadlines?
- Have you ever had any supervisory role? Tell me about this.
- What problems did you have in this role and how did you overcome them?
- How did you obtain your current job?
- What do you like most about your current job?
- What do you like least about your current job?
- What are the main problems you face in your current position?
- What would you say is your greatest contribution to your current job?
- How much do you currently get paid?
- How did you obtain your next previous position?
- What did you like most about this position?
- What did you like least about this position?
- What were the main problems you face in this position?
- What would you say with your greatest contribution in this position?
- Have you ever been sacked or asked to resign?
- Why have you had so many jobs over the past few years?
- Why did you leave each of them?
- Have you ever been unemployed?
- What were you doing during this period of unemployment?
- Do you have some examples of previous projects/achievements in past employment?
- How many days have you been away from work in the last two years? [Except holidays]
For answers to these job interview questions, please see my job interview answers page
Questions Relating to Your Future
- What would you like to be doing in five years from now?
In 10 years? - If money or education or background were not barriers to employment, what would you choose as your dream career?
- What type of people do you prefer to work with?
- What attributes do you desire in your future employer/boss?
- Are you willing to work nights and weekends if required?
- How many hours per week are you willing to work?
- How much do you expect to be earning in five years from now?
Job Interview Questions Relating to Personal Issues
- What are your non-work pursuits/interests?
- What well-known personalities do you admire? Why?
- What type of material do you read? What books have you read in the last 12 months?
- What is the state of your health?
- Do you smoke/drink? How much?
- What are your partners/wife/husband feelings towards your work?
- Do you own your own home/car?
- How would you describe your current financial position?
- Have you ever been arrested?
- Have you ever been separated/divorced?
- How did you cope with this?
- Who raised you?
- Are your parents still alive?
- Which of your mother or father had greatest influence over you?
- How would you describe your relationship with your mother?
- How would you describe your relationship with your father?
- How many brothers and sisters do you have?
- What is your marital status?
- Are you willing to discuss the circumstances surrounding your divorce/separation?
- How did this affect your work?
- Why did your marriage/relationship breakup?
- How would you describe your spouse/partner?
- How did you meet your spouse/partner?
- Explain what domestic problems you have faced and the way you handled them?
- If not married/in a relationship, what are your intentions regarding this in the future?
For answers to these job interview questions, please see my job interview answers page