Career change coaching can speed up the transition process, save you money, and with the right career change consultant, considerably increase your self-awareness of what you are good at.
Here are some of the benefits you can get when working with a good career change professional.
1. Career Change Coaching Speeds up The Process of Finding a New Career
You have been pondering for quite some time about how frustrated and unfulfilled you are in your career.
You have a strong feeling that you need to be doing something else, but you don’t seem to ever get around to doing anything about it.
Many people who are considering a career change, stay in a double-minded state for many years before taking action, if indeed they take action at all.
An enormous step for many people is to seek career change advice.
The great thing about forcing yourself to take the first step is that you are not necessarily committing to a career change, but merely investigating the possibility.
And if after discussions with a career change professional, you do not change careers, the process has still been valuable because you are no longer in a state of indecision.
If you know you want to change careers, the whole process will usually happen a lot faster if you invest in career change coaching.
There are many reasons for this but probably the most important is that a career change consultant will be the catalyst for action that needs to be taken towards your goal, something that often doesn’t happen on your own.
2. Career Change Coaching Will Save You Money
We all know time is money.
So if you have been thinking about changing careers for two years but have not done anything about it, this is costing you money.
Although there are some exceptions to this rule, generally speaking, successful career changers transition into a role that pays them more.
Most people should advance into a new role where their natural gifts and abilities will be used more than in their past position.
As a rule of thumb the closer you get to doing work that is more aligned with your inborn skills and abilities, the more you will be paid.
The best people in any profession get paid more than the average person doing the same job.
So career coaching will save you money on two fronts.
Firstly, because you will be working in a job sooner that will pay you more.
And probably more importantly, if you get involved in career change coaching, part of that process should involve you identifying, to a greater degree, the things that you are best at.
This, in turn, should result in you securing a job using your very best natural gifts and abilities.
And as previously mentioned, that means more money.
3. Career Change Coaching Reduces Frustration and Stress
I’m continuously amazed at how many people feel frustrated and dissatisfied in their current job.
Research suggests that up to 80% of the workforce is in this position, and the most common reason for it is that they are not in a good job fit.
They are not doing the type of work that they most want to do and are gifted in.
So the sooner we get help the better.
However, there is a tendency for us to allow unresolved career issues to go on for too long before deciding to take action.
This is particularly so for men.
They are a little more reluctant to seek career change advice.
It’s almost as if there is a subconscious voice inside us saying “if I need to get help to figure out what type of work I should be doing, that makes me a bit of our failure.”
I would say this is why it doesn’t make you a failure.
Firstly 80% of the population is in the same boat.
Secondly, the only time you fail is when you recognize there is a problem but do nothing about it. Thirdly, we are interdependent people.
We need each other to function well in this world. I need you and you need me.
So getting some help to figure out what you are good at and then to assist you in transitioning into a new career makes sense.
It will relieve stress in your life and can bring a sense of joy that you may never have experienced before.
And if frustration and disillusionment can be reduced or alleviated from our work life, this increased peace will have font effects in our family life and in our own body.
Physicians confirm that stress and anxiety will manifest themselves physically in a body, in some form of disease, sickness or ailment sooner or later.
4. Career Change Coaching Improves Self-Awareness and Confidence
It’s one thing to have some ideas about what we are good at; it’s something else for another person to see those gifts in us.
A good career change consultant will work with you to uncover what you are good at and what motivates you the most in the area of work.
You can start the ball rolling with this free career assessment. It is a process that will help you identify and confirm the things you are best at.
I cannot overestimate the increase in self-confidence, motivation, and energy that comes from truly knowing what you are good at.
Feelings of hope and great expectations for your future career well up as you envisage yourself using gifts and abilities that you may not have been aware of or at least had forgotten about.
Confidence in your career, and indeed in life, is a game-breaker.
It can transform people from depression and frustration to someone full of energy, passion, and optimism.
And career change coaching is one of the best ways I know of to tackle these issues.
5. Career Change Coaching Provides a Sounding Board
There is a tremendous benefit in having someone to simply bounce your new career ideas off, confirm presuppositions and even challenge and/or sharpen your career ideas.
And all the more if this person is well trained in providing professional career change advice.
Some people just need someone else to hear their ideas and confirm the direction they have been thinking about.
They may not even need much response from a coach.
There is power simply in the verbalizing of our own ideas and as well as the process of being heard well. Independent, focused one-on-one attention empowers human beings.
There is a proverb that says
“As iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another”.
There is nearly always benefit in presenting our ideas to another person who is qualified in career change coaching.
6. Career Change Coaching Keeps Us Accountable
Isn’t accountability a nasty word?
It reminds us of our school days when the teacher made us stand up in front of the class and said: “Peter, have you done your homework?”
Most of us aren’t very good at “getting things done” (i.e.) self-discipline.
We have good intentions, we really do want to get ahead and take action that will help us achieve our goals. But by golly, it’s hard sometimes to get the things done that we said we would.
One of the things that make people successful is self-discipline.
Successful people are ordinary people who willing to do the things that unsuccessful people don’t like doing.
I think that statement’s pretty accurate.
In that regard career change, coaching can swing you from an unsuccessful person to a successful one simply by providing a mechanism by which you will get things done.
You will push your career change toward reality.
There are a lot of things on the To-Do List of a person who wants to change careers.
Self-discipline is a short-term pain for long-term gain situations.
If you have weekly career change coaching, part of the process will usually involve you taking some action steps that you decide should be taken to move the process forward.
A good career change consultant should be able to show you ways to make completing your action steps a little easier.
But in the final analysis, it’s normally a case of:
If it’s going to be it’s up to me
It’s remarkable how beneficial the simple act of having to front up to somebody on a regular basis to tell them if you got done what you said you would.
Of course, you might have only got it done the night before, but got it done you did.
Most people will never achieve the same amount of productivity without some form of accountability.